SIMD (Vector Processing)#

Numerical software means a lot of computation for solutions. The computation calls for a huge amount of cycles in the computer (processor). Users always want shorter processing time. The demand for faster speed keeps increasing at a faster pace than the advancement of the computer technologies.

There are typically two ways to speed up:

  1. Use fewer computation: Code optimization.

  2. Do more computation concurrently: Parallelism.

Parallelism appears in various levels, from high to low:

Cluster or server farm

Multiple computers are networked together to solve one problem.

Multiple core with multiple threads

Multiple threads runs concurrently on the multiple cores on a single computer host.

Single instruction multiple data (SIMD)

Computers offer special instructions that can process multiple data at one time to achieve data parallelism.


There is also instruction-level parallelism (ILP) that enables execution of multiple instructions in parallel on a single processor core. It involves the use of superscalar, pipelining, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, etc.

When speed is in need, we do everything to run faster, but it is wise to begin with low-hanging fruit. Instruction-level parallelism is generally easier than that in the higher level, because programmers should only take care of the details required by the architecture.

In this chapter, we will discuss the fundamental knowledge for bringing SIMD (which is also called vector processing) into a software system.

Types of Parallel Software Development#

The popular computer architecture is based on sequential processing. The most fundamental processing unit executes instructions one by one.


Assuming the processor can only perform sequential processing, we need multiple processors to perform parallel processing. Differentiated by the memory access, the parallelism can be broadly set to two categories:

  • Shared-memory parallel processing

  • Distributed-memory parallel processing

Shared-Memory Parallel Processing#


Distributed-Memory Parallel Processing#


Vector Processing#

When the parallelism happens in the processor (one processing unit or core), it is done once for a single instruction with multiple data (SIMD). It is called vector processing.

Before showing what is vector processing, let us see the ordinary scalar execution:


The vector execution uses a wider register so that it can perform an operation for multiple data at once:


SIMD Instructions#

CPU Capabilities#

To take advantage of SIMD, we will need to inspect the CPU instructions, or the assembly. But most of the time we stay in high-level languages. The way we deal with the assembly is to get familiar with the instructions, e.g., using x86 and amd64 instruction reference.

x86 provides a series of SIMD instructions, including

  • 64-bit: MMX

  • 128-bit: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 (streaming SIMD extension)

  • 256-bit: AVX, AVX2 (advanced vector extension)

  • 512-bit: AVX-512

Recent processors usually are equipped with AVX2, which was released with Haswell in 2013. Before asking the compiler to use the specific instruction set, query the operating system for the CPU capabilities.

print("Check on", platform.system())
if 'Linux' == platform.system():
    # check whether your cpu supports avx2 on linux
    !grep flags /proc/cpuinfo
elif 'Darwin' == platform.system():
    # check whether your cpu supports avx2 on mac
    !sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.*features

X86 Intrinsic Functions#

Major compilers provide header files for using the intrinsic functions that can be directly translated into the SIMD instructions:

  • <mmintrin.h>: MMX

  • <xmmintrin.h>: SSE

  • <emmintrin.h>: SSE2

  • <pmmintrin.h>: SSE3

  • <tmmintrin.h>: SSSE3

  • <smmintrin.h>: SSE4.1

  • <nmmintrin.h>: SSE4.2

  • <ammintrin.h>: SSE4A

  • <immintrin.h>: AVX

  • <zmmintrin.h>: AVX512

You may also use <x86intrin.h> which includes everything.

With the intrinsic functions, programmers don’t need to really write assembly, and can stay in the high-level languages most of the time. The intrinsic functions correspond to x86 instructions. An example of using it:

__m256 * ma = (__m256 *) (&a[i*width]);
__m256 * mb = (__m256 *) (&b[i*width]);
__m256 * mr = (__m256 *) (&r[i*width]);
*mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*ma, *mb);

Intel intrinsic guide: Intel maintains a website to show the available intrinsics: . Consult and remember it when needed.

Using intrinsics and SIMD for optimization is a tedious process. The materials presented here are not a complete guide to you, but show you one way to study and measure the benefits. The measurement is important to assess whether or not you need the optimization.

We will use an example to show how to use the 256-bit-wide AVX to perform vector multiplication for 8 single-precision floating-point values:

constexpr const size_t width = 8;
constexpr const size_t repeat = 1024 * 1024;
constexpr const size_t nelem = width * repeat;

The data arrays are:

float * arr = (float *) aligned_alloc(32, nelem * sizeof(float));
float * brr = (float *) aligned_alloc(32, nelem * sizeof(float));
float * rrr1 = (float *) aligned_alloc(32, nelem * sizeof(float));
float * rrr2 = (float *) aligned_alloc(32, nelem * sizeof(float));
Runtime information of the multiplication test#
width: 8
nelem: 8388608

arr: 0x7fbf40800000
brr: 0x7fbf42800000
rrr1: 0x7fbf44800000
rrr2: 0x7fbf46800000

The full example code can be found in mul.cpp.

Symbol Table#

We will use radare2 to inspect the assembly of the generated image. As the first step, before really checking the assembly, we need to identify what functions to be inspected from the symbol table.

$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; afl" mul
... some irrelevant prints ...
0x100001720    3 178          sym.multiply1_loop_float__float__float_
0x1000017e0    3 102          sym.multiply1_simd_float__float__float_
0x100001850    3 354          sym.multiply3_loop_float__float__float_
0x1000019c0    3 107          sym.multiply3_simd_float__float__float_
0x100001a30    3 546          sym.multiply5_loop_float__float__float_
0x100001c60    3 87           sym.multiply5_simd_float__float__float_
... symbols that do not matter ...
0x1000038c0    1 6            sym.imp.std::__1::ios_base::getloc___const

1 Multiplication#

To demonstrate the effect of different ratio of calculations to memory access, I use 3 sets of multiplication. The first set uses 1 multiplication. We compare the two versions of the code to see that SIMD does not help much with so little calculations: (i) loop and (ii) SIMD.

Simple loop for only 1 multiplication (assembly)#
void multiply1_loop(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat*width; i+=width)
        for (size_t j=i; j<i+width; ++j)
            r[j] = a[j] * b[j];
SIMD (AVX) for only 1 multiplication (assembly)#
void multiply1_simd(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat; ++i)
        __m256 * ma = (__m256 *) (&a[i*width]);
        __m256 * mb = (__m256 *) (&b[i*width]);
        __m256 * mr = (__m256 *) (&r[i*width]);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*ma, *mb);

The corresponding assembly code is:

The assemly code of the simple loop for only 1 multiplication (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply1_loop_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply1_loop(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x1000017ca
│       ┌─> 0x100001730      c5fa10448720   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001736      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x10000173c      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001742      c5fa10448724   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001748      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x10000174e      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001754      c5fa10448728   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x10000175a      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001760      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001766      c5fa1044872c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x10000176c      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001772      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001778      c5fa10448730   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x10000177e      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001784      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000178a      c5fa10448734   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001790      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001796      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000179c      c5fa10448738   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x1000017a2      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x1000017a8      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000017ae      c5fa1044873c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x1000017b4      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x1000017ba      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000017c0      4883c008       add rax, 8
│       ╎   0x1000017c4      483df8ff7f00   cmp rax, 0x7ffff8
│       └─< 0x1000017ca      0f8260ffffff   jb 0x100001730
The assembly code of the SIMD (AVX) for only 1 multiplication (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply1_simd_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply1_simd(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x10000183f
│       ┌─> 0x1000017f0      c5fc280407     vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax]
│       ╎   0x1000017f5      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x1000017fa      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000017ff      c5fc28440720   vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001805      c5fc59440620   vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x10000180b      c5fc29440220   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x20], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001811      c5fc28440740   vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax + 0x40]
│       ╎   0x100001817      c5fc59440640   vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax + 0x40]
│       ╎   0x10000181d      c5fc29440240   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x40], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001823      c5fc28440760   vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax + 0x60]
│       ╎   0x100001829      c5fc59440660   vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax + 0x60]
│       ╎   0x10000182f      c5fc29440260   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x60], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001835      4883e880       sub rax, 0xffffffffffffff80
│       ╎   0x100001839      483d00000002   cmp rax, 0x2000000
│       └─< 0x10000183f      75af           jne 0x1000017f0

In the runtime benchmark, the SIMD/AVX version is faster, but with a small margin. The SIMD version is only 1.48 times faster than the loop version:

1 multiplication by loop takes: 0.00502769 sec
1 multiplication by simd takes: 0.00339758 sec

3 Multiplication#

The second set uses 3 multiplications. The source code for the loop and SIMD versions are:

Simple loop for 3 multiplications (assembly)#
void multiply3_loop(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat*width; i+=width)
        for (size_t j=i; j<i+width; ++j)
            r[j] = a[j] * a[j];
            r[j] *= b[j];
            r[j] *= b[j];
SIMD (AVX) for 3 multiplications (assembly)#
void multiply3_simd(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat; ++i)
        __m256 * ma = (__m256 *) (&a[i*width]);
        __m256 * mb = (__m256 *) (&b[i*width]);
        __m256 * mr = (__m256 *) (&r[i*width]);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*ma, *ma);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *mb);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *mb);

The corresponding assembly code is:

The assembly code of the simple loop for 3 multiplications (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply3_loop_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply3_loop(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x1000019aa
│       ┌─> 0x100001860      c5fa10448720   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001866      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000186a      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001870      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001876      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000187c      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001882      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001888      c5fa10448724   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x10000188e      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001892      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001898      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x10000189e      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018a4      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x1000018aa      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018b0      c5fa10448728   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x1000018b6      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018ba      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018c0      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x1000018c6      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018cc      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x1000018d2      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018d8      c5fa1044872c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x1000018de      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018e2      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018e8      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x1000018ee      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000018f4      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x1000018fa      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001900      c5fa10448730   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001906      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000190a      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001910      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001916      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000191c      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001922      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001928      c5fa10448734   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x10000192e      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001932      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001938      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x10000193e      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001944      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x10000194a      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001950      c5fa10448738   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001956      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000195a      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001960      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001966      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x10000196c      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001972      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001978      c5fa1044873c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x10000197e      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001982      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001988      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x10000198e      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001994      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x10000199a      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x1000019a0      4883c008       add rax, 8
│       ╎   0x1000019a4      483df8ff7f00   cmp rax, 0x7ffff8
│       └─< 0x1000019aa      0f82b0feffff   jb 0x100001860
The assembly code of the SIMD (AVX) for 3 multiplication (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply3_simd_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply3_simd(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x100001a24
│       ┌─> 0x1000019d0      c5fc280407     vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax]
│       ╎   0x1000019d5      c5fc59c0       vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000019d9      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000019de      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x1000019e3      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000019e8      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x1000019ed      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000019f2      c5fc28440720   vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x1000019f8      c5fc59c0       vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymm0
│       ╎   0x1000019fc      c5fc29440220   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x20], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001a02      c5fc59440620   vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a08      c5fc29440220   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x20], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001a0e      c5fc59440620   vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a14      c5fc29440220   vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax + 0x20], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001a1a      4883c040       add rax, 0x40              ; 64
│       ╎   0x100001a1e      483d00000002   cmp rax, 0x2000000
│       └─< 0x100001a24      75aa           jne 0x1000019d0

The speed-up of the SIMD version to the loop version significantly increases to 3.24 times:

3 multiplication by loop takes: 0.0111576 sec
3 multiplication by simd takes: 0.00344309 sec

5 Multiplication#

The third (last) set uses 5 multiplications. The source code for the loop and SIMD versions are:

Simple loop for 5 multiplications (assembly)#
void multiply5_loop(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat*width; i+=width)
        for (size_t j=i; j<i+width; ++j)
            r[j] = a[j] * a[j];
            r[j] *= a[j];
            r[j] *= b[j];
            r[j] *= b[j];
            r[j] *= b[j];
SIMD (AVX) for 5 multiplications (assembly)#
void multiply5_simd(float* a, float* b, float* r)
    for (size_t i=0; i<repeat; ++i)
        __m256 * ma = (__m256 *) (&a[i*width]);
        __m256 * mb = (__m256 *) (&b[i*width]);
        __m256 * mr = (__m256 *) (&r[i*width]);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*ma, *ma);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *ma);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *mb);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *mb);
        *mr = _mm256_mul_ps(*mr, *mb);

The corresponding assembly code is:

The assembly code of the simple loop for 5 multiplications (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply5_loop_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply5_loop(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x100001c4a
│       ┌─> 0x100001a40      c5fa10448720   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a46      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a4a      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a50      c5fa59448720   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a56      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a5c      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a62      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a68      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a6e      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a74      c5fa59448620   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x20]
│       ╎   0x100001a7a      c5fa11448220   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x20], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a80      c5fa10448724   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001a86      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a8a      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a90      c5fa59448724   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001a96      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001a9c      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001aa2      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001aa8      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001aae      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001ab4      c5fa59448624   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x24]
│       ╎   0x100001aba      c5fa11448224   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x24], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001ac0      c5fa10448728   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001ac6      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001aca      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001ad0      c5fa59448728   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001ad6      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001adc      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001ae2      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001ae8      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001aee      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001af4      c5fa59448628   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x28]
│       ╎   0x100001afa      c5fa11448228   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x28], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b00      c5fa1044872c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001b06      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b0a      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b10      c5fa5944872c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001b16      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b1c      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001b22      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b28      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001b2e      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b34      c5fa5944862c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x2c]
│       ╎   0x100001b3a      c5fa1144822c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x2c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b40      c5fa10448730   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001b46      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b4a      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b50      c5fa59448730   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001b56      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b5c      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001b62      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b68      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001b6e      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b74      c5fa59448630   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x30]
│       ╎   0x100001b7a      c5fa11448230   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x30], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b80      c5fa10448734   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001b86      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b8a      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b90      c5fa59448734   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001b96      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001b9c      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001ba2      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001ba8      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001bae      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bb4      c5fa59448634   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x34]
│       ╎   0x100001bba      c5fa11448234   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x34], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bc0      c5fa10448738   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001bc6      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bca      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bd0      c5fa59448738   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001bd6      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bdc      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001be2      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001be8      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001bee      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001bf4      c5fa59448638   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x38]
│       ╎   0x100001bfa      c5fa11448238   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x38], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c00      c5fa1044873c   vmovss xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x100001c06      c5fa59c0       vmulss xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c0a      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c10      c5fa5944873c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rdi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x100001c16      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c1c      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x100001c22      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c28      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x100001c2e      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c34      c5fa5944863c   vmulss xmm0, xmm0, dword [rsi + rax*4 + 0x3c]
│       ╎   0x100001c3a      c5fa1144823c   vmovss dword [rdx + rax*4 + 0x3c], xmm0
│       ╎   0x100001c40      4883c008       add rax, 8
│       ╎   0x100001c44      483df8ff7f00   cmp rax, 0x7ffff8
│       └─< 0x100001c4a      0f82f0fdffff   jb 0x100001a40
The assembly code of the SIMD (AVX) for 5 multiplications (source)#
$ r2 -Aqc "e scr.color=0 ; sf sym.multiply5_simd_float__float__float_ ; pdf" mul
│           ; CODE XREF from multiply5_simd(float*, float*, float*) @ 0x100001cb0
│       ┌─> 0x100001c70      c5fc280407     vmovaps ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax]
│       ╎   0x100001c75      c5fc59c0       vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001c79      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001c7e      c5fc590407     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rdi + rax]
│       ╎   0x100001c83      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001c88      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x100001c8d      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001c92      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x100001c97      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001c9c      c5fc590406     vmulps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword [rsi + rax]
│       ╎   0x100001ca1      c5fc290402     vmovaps ymmword [rdx + rax], ymm0
│       ╎   0x100001ca6      4883c020       add rax, 0x20              ; 32
│       ╎   0x100001caa      483d00000002   cmp rax, 0x2000000
│       └─< 0x100001cb0      75be           jne 0x100001c70

The speed-up of the SIMD version to the loop version further increases to 5.68 times:

5 multiplication by loop takes: 0.0219349 sec
5 multiplication by simd takes: 0.00385851 sec

In the results above, it is clear that the higher density of numerical calculation, the more efficient the calculation is.

By organizing the timing data in a table, we will find another interesting fact: the calculation time does not increase significantly with the calculation density when the SIMD (AVX) is used:

SIMD (AVX) speed-up#

Number of multiplications

Loop (ms)

SIMD (AVX) (ms)

SIMD speed-up




1.48 x




3.24 x




5.68 x


OpenMP is a tool that uses multi-threading for parallelism. It is by no means SIMD, but since the source code does not need users to know much about multi-threading, it is introduced here as a comparison to SIMD.

Open requires users to add #pragma omp in the source code to instruct the compiler to parallelize accordingly:

#pragma omp parallel
        "Hello from thread %d, nthreads %d\n"
      , omp_get_thread_num()
      , omp_get_num_threads()

The execution results are:

$ clang++ -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp -std=c++17 -g -O3  -c -o omp.o omp.cpp
$ clang++ -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp -std=c++17 -g -O3  -lomp -o omp omp.o
$ ./omp
Hello from thread 0, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 4, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 3, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 6, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 2, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 7, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 1, nthreads 8
Hello from thread 5, nthreads 8

Users may control the number of threads to be used via an environment variable:

Let the OpenMP program to use only 1 thread#
$ env OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./omp
Hello from thread 0, nthreads 1
Let the OpenMP program to use 5 threads#
$ env OMP_NUM_THREADS=5 ./omp
Hello from thread 0, nthreads 5
Hello from thread 3, nthreads 5
Hello from thread 1, nthreads 5
Hello from thread 2, nthreads 5
Hello from thread 4, nthreads 5

The full example code can be found in omp.cpp.


  1. Replace the single-precision floating-point vector type __m256 with the double-precision floating-point vector type __m256d in the example, and compare the performance with the single-precision version.
